Solana Gaming

Web3 Gaming Mass Adoption Almost Here Thanks To AI

TL;DR: Web3 gaming is becoming popular due to its ability to merge the thrill of playing and winning with earning money. Web3 gaming provides player-focused opportunities for gamers to own...
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Blockchain and Web3 Gaming: The Future of Gaming

  Gaming has always been a popular form of entertainment, and with the rise of blockchain technology and web3 gaming, it is set to become even more immersive and exciting....
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ProtoReality Games Introduces Derivative Outstation 119

Mobile Metaverse Play and Earn game incoming  Thank you for joining us. We are happy to have you here. We think your game is very exciting and we are full...
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Bravo Ready

Shoot to loot Play to Earn Bravo Ready has secured a financial backing of $3.9 million in fiat and crypto as seed support for building their battle royale shooter BR1:Infinite...
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Solana 為韓國 web3 初創公司啟動贈款基金

韓國 web3 的情況一直在好轉 美好時光還在繼續 有很多關於韓國和web3的新聞。 最近,我們的姊妹網站 MetaFi 談到了韓國政府如何通過為內容創作者創造新機會來建立他們的 web3 存在。 該倡議對建立韓國的 web3 存在大有裨益。 看來,韓國政府並不是唯一有興趣在 Solana 社區基礎上發展的實體。 Solana 已決定為韓國的 web3 初創公司啟動 1 億美元的投資和贈款基金。 這些資金是 Solana Ventures 和 Solana Foundation 的聯合努力。 Solana...
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Solana launches grant fund for Korean web3 startups

Things keep looking up for web3 in S. Korea The good times keep on going There has been much news about S.Korea and web3. Recently our sister site MetaFi spoke on...
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Blockchain Gaming’s “Kickstarter”

FractalPerfect for gaming Gaming NFTs are getting a new marketplace called Fractal. This marketplace is created by “serial entrepreneuer” Justin Kan who is a Co-founder of the game streaming network...
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Solana Is So Meta

There are over 500 dapps on the Solana blockchain at the writing of this article. Though not as seasoned as the Ethereum blockchain, Solana has shown that it can hold...
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The NFT market has seen massive growth. We know this due to the past couple of months.
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There have been a few apps that offer users the ability to make money while exercising.
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