-We at Solanews are dedicated to lead you into the world of Solana

Clear Progress


Cryptocurrencies are aplenty in today1s pre-metaverse world. What began as a stage for Bitcoin and later for Ethereum has all but exploded into a multitude of coins, decentralized finance platforms, and N FTs with varying degrees of success. We have been following Solana’s progress since last Spring and have recently witnessed the rise of the Solana ecosystem, now seen as the main Ethereum rival, and which shows no real signs of slowing down. Solana’s token
price and volume performance over the summer has led some to dub this summer a 11 Solana summer” with Solana taking over DOGE in market cap and reaching the top 7 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization and things are just starting to heat up! There is so much to learn and know about Solana, with many outlets to turn to for your educational needs. With so many sources of information.


A Real Threat To The King


Solana is turning heads as it is poised to become a real competitor to the Ethereum ecosystem – a spot coveted by many cryptocurrencies! With transaction fees that are a fraction of the cost of Ethereum transactions and a scalable network that can compete with Visa, Solana could take the crown and build a network that is faster and more popular than Ethereum.



Why we are here


It is for this very reason that we have decided to dedicate our energy and resources to inform and educate traders, investors, and enthusiasts who would like to know more about Solana through structured reports, educational pieces, and updates about the Solana ecosystem and its participants. We invite you to join us on our journey together as we enter a new wave of blockchain evolution. All of our content is meant to keep you in the loop and make sure you are fully aware of Solana’s network and its tokens.

Our content will be crafted with your success in mind. We will work to make Solanews your main source of up-to-date information about the Solana network and all its products, Defi, NFTs, financial and business opportunities build on its scalable technology. We hope to become your designated Solana news destination. Solanews will also be a space for aspiring Solana-based platforms to have a voice as we will provide visibility and as much support as we can on our site. As an aspiring major echo chamber of everything Solana, we welcome articles contributed by the community and press releases from existing and future projects. Each piece will bepublished following the review and final approval of the Solanews editorial team.

We wish the best to all Solano supporters and those working hard to build a future on this exciting technology, and we hope to contribute to this future where the sky is clearly not the limit.


Solonews Editor-in-Chief
Ryison Champion


The content of this article, analysis, report or webpage is not investment advice and does not constitute any offer or solicitation or recommendation of any investment product. This content is for general purposes only and does not take into account your individual needs, investment objectives and specific financial circumstances. The author may hold digital assets mentioned in this report.

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