Upgrades for Solana

The CEO of Solana reveals new plans

There is no question as to one of the major issues plaguing the Solana blockchain as of recently. The majority of the negative press and worry has been caused by the constant performance issues that are ravaging the Solana blockchain and quite possibly the price of the token.

In a recent Twitter thread, the CEO of Solana Labs, Anatoly Yakovenko spoke on his concerns about the performance of Solana.

The Co-Founder then went on to address the issues and state that updates would be implemented in four to five weeks. This came after he diagnosed some of the issues plaguing the blockchain. Anatoly stated that some spam issues were created by “liquidator bots” that were barraging single nodes at a high rate. This in turn revealed a network bug that needed to be dealt with.

At this time it is not believed that the implementors of the bots were malicious but is safe to say that shoppers of the PS5 are not the only ones being harassed by bots. Anatoly came up with some ideas on how to address the issues by implementing flow control by stake weight.

There are some who state that the reason Solana is so ravaged by issues is the fact that there is no gas model like Ethereum. A gas model is thought of as a way to facilitate more secure transactions, but the Solana CEO does not agree with this statement at all, and many would not take to that on the Solana chain as part of Solana’s growth and mass adoption has been because of the lack of a high gas fee model.

Either way, Solana needs an upgrade that will work and continue to keep Solana on the path that was set out by the Co-creators. With all that has been happening on the market, it will be great to see what Anatoly can come up with to bring the blockchain back to greatness.

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