Solana Gaming


One of the objectives pursued by Solana is for people to have fun.

It is expected that by 2022 there will be a big green explosion in the GameFi sector and its use with Solana

Gaming On Solana


One of the objectives pursued by Solana is for people to have fun. Hence the creation of open source games or GameFi projects that are part of the ecosystem of this cryptocurrency.

The crypto market has grown, evolved, and spawned many new ways to make money or change the way we do things. One such change is in the forming of GameFi -Game + DeFi + NFT business models. This conception, GameFi, brings together all of the characteristics of those business models and creates new ways to play and earn. The idea was to develop a few fun financial products in a gamified way, driven by the combination of DeFi and the economic benefits of NFT. What these efforts have given birth to is a new trend of gaming that is making daily headlines.
How has Solana improved gaming?

Solana is still making waves. Despite being a young project, it has made a breakthrough with its implementation of GameFi, The motto “Play to win” is very much GameFi’s own. It leaves behind the boring pure DeFi, integrating financial models that are more acceptable and easier for users to understand.

The Solana blockchain, more than anything else, has been able to capitalize on the low gas consumption and high speed and the GameFi track for its brilliant performance. That draws a lot of attention from users and developers. Games such as Axie Infinity, which are driven by the Ethereum blockchain, have a high cost of entry in that the characters are already high priced NFT, add that to the high price of gas on any given part of the day and you have a steep border to entry. Solana, with its already stellar approach to transaction fees, stands to be the premier blockchain for GameFi in the future.

It is expected that by 2022 there will be a big green explosion in the GameFi sector and its use with Solana, which has gone from being obscure to being part of the top ten cryptocurrencies in such a short time. Undoubtedly, Solana is very appealing to many game developers and DeFi investors.


A Selection of Games Built on Solana


Let’s take a look at some of the best games that have been created on the Solana blockchain. There are many games out and many more games being developed for the Solana blockchain and here are a few of those that interested investors or players certainly should know about.


Star Atlas


Star Atlas has many players, investors, and developers excited as it’s one of the first games in the GameFi sphere to use a AAA quality game building engine. Most AAA title games made for consoles or computers are made using the Unreal Engine. Recently Unreal has released their new Unreal Engine 5 which touts some of the best graphics ever seen in gaming. The developers of Star Atlas will be making use of this new revolutionary engine to make their game. This is amazing in that it is bringing DeFi into the mainstream market. Games that are made with Unreal usually tend to be of a much larger scale and purpose. Star Atlas was founded by members of the blockchain community that are well-versed in the way the blockchain works but none of the founders have worked in the gaming sector. What this means is that we may have a game that is heavily influenced by monetary aspects but not so versed in gameplay. The website touts the game as “A grand strategy game of space exploration, territorial conquest, political domination and more.” While that may sound interesting, a game is only as good as its gameplay, and with founders that are not necessarily gamers, it will be interesting to see where exactly things go with Star Atlas.

Star Atlas is not just a game, it’s a complete introduction to the metaverse – the intended evolution of the DeFi spirit. Players are given a chance to own the land that they discover and make money based on the assets that they have discovered and conquered in-game. Star Atlas offers two main tokens that coincide with the game itself, ATLAS and POLIS. Both of these coins have gone on to produce close to $2 million on their initial offering. These tokens have been exceptionally well-received and sought after. Players can use the ATLAS tokens to buy assets and NFT in the game such as ships. Players are also able to choose from a list of “professions” in order to gain in-game currency. The POLIS token serves as a governance token used within the game.


Defi Land


Defi land is an agriculture simulation game created to gamify decentralized finance for the masses. The creators of DeFi land promise to have a game that has all the features of other projects but is found in one complete package and in the same place. the system of DeFi Land will not have a closed ecosystem like other projects but will instead be very open. DeFi Land will run on establish platforms using well-known AMMs and DEXs.

The amazing part of Defi Land is that ea ch asset in the game will represent its own currency such as SOL being represented by a sunflower, corn being represented by USDC, and so on. Imagine growing your own Sunflower patch and having that translated as actual SOL that you can invest and provide liquidity with, this game has a serious advantage over other play to win projects.

Games such as Axie Infinity have their own coin offerings with AXS and SLP but DeFi land plans to give players the ability to earn a range of coins while they play. The first version of the game promises swaps, liquidity, staking and yield farming, governance, customizable lands, and achievements. All of the aforementioned characteristics and benefits of gameplay are touted for version 1 and version 2 offers even more in the ease of lending and borrowing, indices, an NFT marketplace, Predictions, and betting, the forming of unions and clans, multiple fun games, tournaments and ETH, Terra and BSC lands.




Aurory is a JRPG game that supports free-to-play, PvP, and multiplayer gameplay. It has its currency called Aurory. Within the game, people earn through TOKEN Aurora and players receive NFT rewards. Aurory will have solo and multiplayer gameplay modes and will use an SPL token as the core of the gaming system.

The solo mode is based on 2D J-RPG styles and is fully hand-drawn. The game is a side-scrolling video game where you go on a quest with your character Helios. The game has been under development for quite some time now and when you play you will fulfill quests, talk to NPCs and defeat many powerful and interesting opponents in order to advance the plot. The characters that you defeat will be earned NFT in your wallet and those NFT will be used to play against other players in multiplayer to gain additional items.

There will be two multiplayer modes in the beginning. Players will be able to stake the tokens and NFTs they win on the platform in order to win additional tokens or NFT. All of the powerful items you win by staking your NFTs will be usable in your battles against other players but also open for trade in the marketplace. There will be another way to play PVP where players will challenge each other by choosing five of their items and cards to fight in a battle. The player will need to pay a certain amount of tokens, the creatures will then start fighting based on their specific and the winner will take the pot. the game will be based on the Serum DEX promising lightning-fast transactions and a high-performing in-game economy.


Open Era


OpenEra is part of the Solana blockchain. It is an MMORPG, and it is compatible with Serum. It is a game that allows you to create your own unique stories and elements. Currently, OpenEra is in the alpha stage of development, which means a fully playable version of the game is a while off. The game currently only has 50 testers but there are plans to raise that to 100 before the end of the year. There is a distinct vision in place for OpenEra but not much that is concrete until the metaverse created by OpenDive, the parent company, has been fully fleshed out and where interoperability between OpenEra andfuture projects can actually take place. The features of this game remain under lock and key with not much information being offered at the moment, but a lot of what is being said is that the gameplay is being modeled after Runescape.

Irvin Carde nas, one of the co-founders of OpenEra has stated that the partners have all discussed bring that game into the crypto world by creating a project that has the same mechanics but twists in the story-telling and DeFi integration.


Project SEED


Project SEED is a community-managed, DAO virtual world. It seeks to introduce Blockchain games on a massive scale. The game allows you to create, collect, and trade NFTs. The first stop of project SEEd is a game that is in the Action Role-Playing genre. Players fight their way to uncover information about the “Keepers of Existence” which are mythical beings that have the power to deliver the world from destruction. You are offered the opportunity to pick your character and a beast partner called a ZED. The game will offer the ability to earn weapons and upgrade them as well.


Sol Survivor


Sol-Survivor is a Mortal Kombat inspired messaging fighting game.. Users send a hash of attack/ block/ counter-attack/ taunt options. Each player reveals their choice in a paper -scissors- rock like fashion and the victor is the one who can stay alive. This is not to be confused with another game of the same name that is an overhead strategy game.

The game does not have a lot of information offered as it is still in the early stages of development but the ease of gameplay and the ability to earn has made this a game that many people are looking forward to learning a lot more about.


Game On!


There are many more play-to-earn options that are being thought out, developed, or contemplated and with GameFi being as young as it is there is no limit to what can be done with proper motivation and imagination. Many of the popular play-to-earn games are on the Ethereum blockchain but as gas fees continue to be an issue Solana is poised to offer gamers, developers, and investors a great new platform to play, develop, and earn on Solana.

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