Solana attacked

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack has hit the Solana blockchain but the network appears to have been able to sustain the attack.

For those not familiar with what that means, a DDoS attack refers to a large number of coordinated devices, or a botnet causing a network to be overwhelmed with fake traffic, thus taking it offline. Solana has been able to survive the assault.

This isn’t the first time Solana has been attacked, Cointelegraph reported on an attack in September where there was a 17 hour outage due to mass botting on an IDO.

At this point, there is no clear indicator of what this incident really was. There are some people questioning whether another Raydium IDO has anything to do with this issue as it does mirror an earlier attack that had to do with a different IDO at that time. The Solana foundation has not publicly made any announcements and once again Solana is fully operational at this point, even though multiple accounts on Twitter have stated that this was a global outage.

The biggest concern at this point is how Solana handles high-volume activity IDO launches on Raydium with people wondering if Solana will eventually suffer another attack or shut down. There are some stop-gaps prioritize vote transactions to prevent a full crash on the network since the first crash in September.

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