
Learn to Earn

Developing the future of web3 is going to take a lot of work,with a lot of manpower, and a lot of smart, educated individuals. Metacrafters is a company that believes it has the magic formula to do just that .  Metacrafters is a multi chain learn-to-earn game that creates curriculum that educates users on how to write smart contracts and build on-chain.  The learn-to-earn model offers incentives that are grant-funded as developers and engineers complete courses and up skill from web2 to web3. The goal is to close the pay gap between engineers in developed nations and those in emerging markets.

Metacrafters provides a learning platform that offers gamified learning to increase the interest of learners that are excited and interested in building the web3 platform and space. The goal of the company is to introduce the product and produce 1 million new developers to meet the growing need in the industry. As students learn they earn cryptocurrency.

The co-founder of the project a Mr. Kevin Young who is also the product head spoke on the goals of the company. “ We are short-term launching in the Philippines and partnernerin with IT Universities as well” he said in a statement to BSCnews. “Filipinos as a top talent source or builders of the metaverse” The current focus of the platform can be clearly seen as the Philippine talent pool. The platform was able to secure grants in the amount of $4.5 million from blockchain development teams such as Solana, Dapper Labs, Avalanche, and Polygon.

The courses are developed by the team at Metacrafters and will have the input of blockchain development team leaders such as Solana and Avalanche. Currently there are already courses on Solana available and the team wants to expand to other chains such as BNB and Ethereum. You can learn more on their website.

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