Done with Discord

NFT communities seeking newer more secure ways

Nansen– an analytics platform wants to tackle the dominance held by Discord in the NFT community. The team at Nansen has introduced a new messenger service for NFT projects and more. The new app is called Nansen Connect and requires a crypto wallet to use. The new platform is targeted toward crypto and NFT communities 

Currently, the web3 community has been focused on using Discord for its conversations and onboarding of users to their projects. The app is the one of choice for those that want to build a community for a DAO, NFT project, or crypto events. The issue at hand is Discord is rife with constant scams and rug pulls which leave some jaded about the service. Nansen has a plan in place to battle this issue and has announced its platform.

The firm announced Nansen Connect, this is a new messaging app designed to let users log in with a crypto wallet and connect to similar groups based on the NFTs they own in their wallet. The main description of the project given by Nansen is that Nansen Connect is a “crypto native communications hub for web3 communities/”

For those unfamiliar with Nansen, the platform has been able to obtain a positive following as a key informational hub for crypto and a wallet labeling platform with 120 million ETH addresses and growing. The platform centers on bringing to light the behaviors and identities on the blockchain. Nansen connect will extend on these core services, draw from the data on the blockchain, and provide users and communities with useful information based on current holdings and transaction data. This information will be used to show the net worth of an individual, the funds in a project’s treasury, and even the position of influencers.

This means that users of the Connect platform will be able to hold influencers and Project leaders responsible by having the real-time ability to monitor their transactions in the treasuries or dumping of a token.

Security is another major concern of web3 and with Nansen Connect the team is using wallet sign-ins and NFT-based connections to ensure that only proven members gain access to certain communities. This plan is implemented in order to avoid phishing scams or social engineering schemes that some Discord users have become victims as well.

Discord is still the main communications construct for those in the web3 community but more and more users are becoming vocal about the shortcomings of the platform and how it has failed them. Too many high-profile scams have been able to happen on Discord and this has led many to believe it no longer holds any viability in the web3 space.

Nansen Connect is not readily available to everyone and it is not completely open to the public at this time. The platform will have a small starting base of users which includes the subscribers to the Nansen analytical services and owners of very high-profile NFT projects such as Bored Apres, Doodles, Azuki, and a few others. There are other projects that are on board with Nansen and will use the platform in the future such as Pudgy Penguins, Hashmasks, KaijuKingz, and CyberKongz.

The app will offer group features, direct messages, and end-to-end encryption with plans to add other features such as “Smart money” channels and user-to-user trading in the future

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