What is Interoperability and How Will It Change the Way We Use the Internet?

Learn about what many say will make the metaverse actually work


•On Nov. 11, NFT Steez hosted Thomas Webb, the founder of the interoperable avatar game Worldwide Webb, to discuss the integration of interoperability in Web3 and the Metaverse.

• By definition, interoperability is a feature of Web3 whereby a product or system can work seamlessly across platforms with other products or services.

• Webb defines interoperability simply as “creating a token— a nonfungible token (NFT)” since, at its most basic level, no one can control it besides the creator.

• Executing interoperability the “right” way: When discussing how interchangeable applications can create a profound impact, Webb described the creativity he has seen from NFT communities and brands. He believes that enabling the creation of intellectual property (IP) allows users to display their loyalty and in other ways, their achievement.




Have you ever wished you could use your favorite app on a different device? Or maybe you’ve wanted to move your data from one app to another but found it to be too difficult. These are both examples of a lack of interoperability – when devices or applications are not able to communicate with each other.

But what if there was a way to make all your devices and apps work together seamlessly? This is where interoperability comes in. Interoperability is the ability of computer systems to exchange information with each other. This means that you would be able to easily move data between devices and apps, as well as access your favorite apps on any device.

In the most basic sense, interoperability can be defined as the ability of two or more systems to work together. This is often achieved by using a common language or set of standards that allows different systems to exchange data and information. In the context of blockchain technology, interoperability refers to the ability of different blockchain networks to interact with each other. This is important because it allows users to move assets between different blockchain platforms without having to go through a central third party.

There are a number of different ways to achieve interoperability, but one of the most promising is the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that can be stored on a blockchain and exchanged between different platforms. Because they are stored on a decentralized network, NFTs are not subject to the same restrictions as traditional assets. This makes them an ideal solution for transferring value between different blockchain networks. While there are still some challenges to overcome, the use of NFTs is emerging as a leading solution for achieving true interoperability in the blockchain space.

Interoperability is made possible by standards. Standards are a set of specifications that define how data should be structured and exchanged between devices and applications. By having standards in place, it ensures that all devices and apps can communicate with each other, regardless of manufacturer or operating system.

One of the most important aspects of interoperability is data portability. Data portability is the ability to move data between different platforms or services. This is essential for giving users control over their data, as well as ensuring that they can always access their data, no matter what platform or service they use.

With the advent of Web3, interoperability is more important than ever. Web3 is the next generation of the internet, where users are in control of their own data instead of central authorities. In order for users to be in control of their data, it needs to be portable between different applications and platforms. Otherwise, users would be locked into using only certain applications or services.

Interoperability is an important part of Web3 because it allows for a more seamless experience for users. It also enables brands and communities to cross-collaborate and reach new audiences. Tokenized experiences are changing the way we interact with the digital world, and interoperability is at the forefront of this change.

Interoperability is a big part of why tokenized experiences are changing the way we use the internet. By allowing for interoperability, we are able to create a more seamless experience for users, as well as opening up new opportunities for brands and communities alike. With the advent of Web3, interoperability is more important than ever, and will only continue to grow in importance.

On Nov. 11, NFT Steez hosted Thomas Webb, the founder of the interoperable avatar game Worldwide Webb, to discuss the integration of interoperability in Web3 and the Metaverse. Webb began by discussing how Web3 is still in its early stages, with many platforms and protocols that are not yet compatible with each other. However, he believes that this will change in the future as more projects begin to adopt interoperability standards. In the meantime, he is working on Worldwide Webb, which is designed to be an avatar game that can be played on any Web3 platform. By using a standard set of protocols, players will be able to use their avatar on any compatible game or world, regardless of which platform they are playing on. This will allow for a much more seamless and interconnected experience for gamers, and Webb is hopeful that it will help to accelerate the adoption of Web3 technologies.


Web3 interoperability

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