Sweet Sweet Grape

Quick Points

$GRAPE is the token of the Great Ape ecosystem

The system provides a framework and infrastructure for creating
and maintaining censorship-resistant communities on the Solana blockchain.

So What Is $GRAPE?

Grape is a social networking protocol that is decentralized and created on the Solana Blockchain. The goal of Grape is to use the platform to create, reward, and secure any online community by harnessing the power of Solana. The $GRAPE token is a token that has the utility of accessing the suite of community building features

Users of the system created by the Great Ape ecosystem. The token created by the ecosystem will be used to manage a fund that will purchase other assets and invest in Solana ecosystem projects with a goal of having revenue streams that allow for future buybacks of $GRAPE that will then, in turn, be distributed with liquidity mining. Basically, all this means is that the system is made for users to be able to join into other projects and still have the ability to get their tokens back.

VIPs only

The Great Ape community will be very exclusive and gated and will only be open to members that meet the required minimum $GRAPE balance in their wallets. The community itself is rooted in crypto with most of its community being comprised of crypto enthusiasts, content creators, and trading strategists. The community also focuses on members that are active, so being inactive will be detrimental to your success on the platform.

Speaking of participation- that is indeed the primary way to earn $GRAPE. The more active you are in the ecosystem then the more you have a chance at earning the token. There are of course other methods such as airdrops, minting, educating students on crypto, events, games, puzzles, competitions, and finally CEX and DEX(Centralized and Decentralized exchanges.)

It’s good to be a holder

There are of course benefits to being a holder of the token like monthly mining rewards, the ability to participate in gated events that require a certain amount of $GRAPE, voting rights on the $GRAPE DAO, and dividends from the community fund. There are plans to have this all work for LP tokens such as GRAPE-USDC as well but those participants may require a fee that will also be paid in $GRAPE. As there will never be more than 1 billion $GRAPE tokens, the fees will be burned or redistributed to existing $GRAPE holders depending upon the vote given by the holders.

All of the tokens are planned to be in circulation by 10 years with 60% going to the community. Being a part of the community will bring other benefits as well but none that are concrete at the moment.

How Does the Great Ape Network work?

With Grape access, your wallet is connected to a unique cryptographic key at the core of the Dynamic Balanced-Based Membership solution. This means that users will be given certain rights and privileges based on the balance of their wallets. This provides a type of Skin-In-The-Game proof for each and every member.

The Dynamic Balanced-Based membership will support all of the Solana tokens. Those tokens will be used to set certain permissions. Each type of exclusivity is based on the amounts you set up for those exclusives.

The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization will be used for revenue generation and members will decide on the direction the group will go. These decisions run from the mundane to the complex.

This vine is secure

There is no need to worry about if any type of a disaster were to strike as the information will forever be stored on the Solana blockchain. this includes all of your social accounts, permissions, roles, and achievements. There will be no censorship on this community at all. There will be no need for moderators or moderations, server administrators would be a thing of the past as the tools to promote user activity and assign roles would be automated throughout the system.

For more information, you can check out the website at https://grapes.network

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