Super Bowl NFT Ad A Success As Some Cry Foul


  • A commercial for Ethereum NFT-powered game, DigiDaigaku was aired during the Super Bowl with a QR code that was supposed to allow viewers to mint a free NFT.
  • However, many viewers faced issues while scanning the QR code and it simply redirected them to the Twitter page of the CEO of Limit Break, the company behind DigiDaigaku.
  • Despite these setbacks, the free NFTs have been trading on secondary markets with the floor price reaching over $585 on OpenSea.

The Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is a platform for advertisers to showcase their latest offerings to millions of viewers worldwide. This year, the biggest sporting event of the year saw a decrease in the number of crypto ads, but there was one commercial for an NFT-powered game, DigiDaigaku by Limit Break.

Super Bowl LVII was a landmark moment for the NFT gaming industry, as the Ethereum-based game project, DigiDaigaku, made its first big splash with a commercial slot during the big game. However, the advertisement didn’t quite go as planned, causing mixed reactions from viewers.

The Commercial

The commercial aimed to advertise a free Ethereum NFT mint and caught the attention of many viewers. Limitbreak, paid $6.5 million for the 30-second slot, which promised viewers the chance to mint a free NFT for the anime-inspired game, DigiDaigaku. The commercial was built around a persistent QR code, which was meant to take viewers to the minting site after scanning it.

Unfortunately, many viewers were left disappointed as scanning the code only redirected them to the Twitter profile of Limit Break’s co-founder and CEO, Gabriel Leydon. This caused some to accuse Leydon of “engagement farming” and others to criticize the difficulty of the minting process, which required an Ethereum wallet, potentially excluding crypto newcomers and mainstream viewers. Break, Gabriel Leydon, causing frustration among viewers.

Some Lucky winners

Limit Break did give out some of the promised 10,000 Ethereum NFTs for the DigiDaigaku collection, and the NFTs have been trading hands on secondary markets since the commercial aired. Data from NFT marketplace, OpenSea, shows that the DigiDaigaku Dragon Eggs NFTs were trading for over $750 right after the mint, although the price has been fluctuating since. The price may be due to uncertainty around a second announced wave of Dragon Eggs NFTs, as Leydon has been tweeting about a second chance mint for another 5,000 NFTs.

Despite these setbacks, the free NFTs offered by Limit Break were quickly traded on secondary markets with the floor price reaching over $585 on OpenSea. The game saw over $1.3 million worth of trades change hands after the commercial ran. Limit Break also announced a second wave of NFTs for eligible users who registered on the DigiDaigaku website and retweeted one of Leydon’s tweets, which added to the excitement of NFT collectors.

Leydon still considers this a successful marketing move

The founder of DigiDaigaku, Gabriel Leydon, joined the DigiCult twitter space to discuss what went on behind the scenes. Before the commercial even aired, site sniffers had already pinged the website 20,000 times. But the website collected their emails, and when the mint went live, the page was instantly redirected to Gabriel’s twitter account, attracting 200,000 hits.

Despite some criticism from some quarters, Gabriel was able to successfully introduce NFTs to a huge audience. The ad received 100,000 scans per hour, even after the commercial ended. Gabriel also noted that the launch of the ad was a testament to the scalability of Ethereum, and the development team, Limit Break, proved that Ethereum can be run as fast as needed if built correctly.

From a marketing perspective, Gabriel stated that this was the craziest marketing he has ever seen, as they had to build the entire backend, redirects, cloudflare, hosting, benchmarking, and security, within just three weeks. He also noted that if anyone tries to copy this feat, they will not be able to do it as the entire launch process was flawless, with no bots and a fast airdrop that went out within minutes of the live commercial.

Gabriel was extremely proud of the Limit Break team and their technical feat, as they managed to invent a new advertising process, a virtual asset through a mass-scale TV ad. He also hinted at more projects in the NFT space, saying that the team will be doing more for the NFT space soon. Gabriel noted that everyone is wrong about on-chain royalties and that the DigiDaigaku Super Bowl ad was a testament to the scalability and potential of NFTs and Ethereum.

Will this bring the masses to web3?

Last year’s Super Bowl saw a significant increase in the number of crypto ads, but the market soon saw a downfall. This year, with only one commercial for an NFT-powered game, it seems that the Web3 industry is taking a step back. However, despite the setbacks faced by Limit Break, the success of the free NFTs shows that there is still interest in the NFT market, and companies that can provide a seamless experience for users can reap the benefits.

In conclusion, the Super Bowl provides a huge platform for companies to reach a wider audience, and for the Web3 and crypto industry, this could mean success for many companies and bring new eyes on projects. Companies that are looking to advertise their offerings during the Super Bowl should ensure that they provide a seamless experience for users, making it easy for them to access and claim their offerings.

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