
The complete NFT marketplace


There are many options when it comes to NFT markets lately. prides itself on building a 1:1 art community, Magic Eden shows more sales than OpenSea, Digitaleyes creates a space for many to jump into the NFT market, and Solanart is still well-known and respected in the Solana NFT market.

There are always options for every type of NFT artist or collector with some of the more extreme markets like Cummies joining in don’t the NFT market share. With so many options to choose from, it may be a bit daunting to choose which marketplace is right for you. Another option for your NFT needs may be Solport.

This article will go into depth about Solport and showcase how this market may or may not be the one you are looking for. Let’s dive into the marketplace and see what makes this one different from the others.

User interface

The user interface of Solport is quite simple and reminds a user a lot of the interface of Solsea or Magic Eden. The selected collection has a banner and logo setup like OpenSea, there are toggles for allowing offers, looking for auctions, or immediately buying, and there are toggles for traits. The user is given a listing of how many NFTs are listed as well as the total number of items in the collection and the volume. A cool feature of the interface is the option to select global or local collections with the page changing colors when you make a selection. There is a dark background for local collections and a white background for Global collections.



Top to bottom you can see the “global” tab toggled. The dark theme is for local and the white is for global


The interface is quite simple with everything located where you might want it to be. it is all a bit reminiscent of other platforms that you can purchase on. There are large bubbles that display the information instead of small ones like on Solsea.

The two different sites , one is Solport on top the other Solsea


All in all, there is nothing extraordinarily revolutionary about the way the user experience is created but there is efficiency and beauty to it with a simplistic user-friendly aspect.


Most NFT markets today are implementing new ways for creators to build their communities right on their platforms via launchpads. Solsea and Magic Eden have successful launches that bring the security and fairness of a real marketplace. In searching on Solport there was indeed an option to join in on the Taiyo Launchpad via a submission form. The requirements for launching on the launchpad are pretty standard and have been used in most launchpad offerings. Your project must have the artwork completely finished and there should be a strong social presence on Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. The platform also allows for other “extras” and “rewards” with Cashback being made a possibility soon. Solport is all about offering rewards to those that build on their marketplace.


There are many collections on Solport with new ones arriving but the speed and quantity of collections arriving on Solport are well below that of Magic Eden. The collections that are already on Solport can be found on other marketplaces as well with those other marketplaces offering more of a selection than Solport has. There are some projects that are well known and featured on the site but when you click into the actual collection, not one NFT is listed. For a marketplace touting itself as “complete”, this is a bit off-brand.

A popular collection like Communi3 is all empty on the site


This may be due to the age of the site, being young means there is the time needed to grow and build in this space. Only time will tell if the marketplace makes it or not as there are so many options to choose from at this moment.

Let’s Shop

There are many marketplaces for Solana NFT at the moment. With the explosive growth of interest in NFT and the market continuing to provide offers to those that want to make purchases into web3 content there is no shortage of available avenues for those that want to jump into the market. Solport offers another way for retail collectors to purchase an NFT or get into a community, though there isn’t as much to offer as say ME or Solsea the potential is there and it will be very interesting to see where the future takes Solport and those that support it.




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