Solana in Politics

Quick points

Solana NFT are being made

The United States seems to have a love-hate relationship with Crypto. Many poeple in the sphere see crypto as a new beginning as a way for the little guy to finally get a fair share in a market that is overrun by greed and large companies with power. That being said, those very same companies have taken to crypto and DeFi to further benefit themselves and control what was once meant for people with less means than them. Members of government ape into projects and coin offerings and then create laws to tax those that are trading. It has been a weird relationship indeed.

Currently fresh off the great growth of Solana another politician has begun a campain that seeks to make use of the current popularity of the blockchain and its NFT market. Shrina Kurani , a Democrat running for a house seat in California, is using NFT to engage the crypto community and speak on legislative issues.

Legislation of crypto

There are 2,022 NFT planned as part of her campaign on the blockchain. The “vision and concept statements” that also may include Web 3 policy agenda as well. The NFT are intended to bring the crypto industry into the fold of her campaign as she is vying for a seat in the House Of Representatives.

In an article on Coindesk she spoke about the misconceptions of crypto and how crypto could be better understood.( Coindesk article 2021) “There’s a lot of misunderstanding in terms of what crypto is, what crypto can be, the direction it’s going , who it serves. I think there’s a way for us to be able to build more of a bridge between policymakers and folks in the space to be able to actually hove more of a conversation.” Her second goal is to find ways for the crypto community to participate in the future of crypto legislation.

Why Solana

Kurani stated she chose Solana due to her platform on environmental concerns and her message on climate issues. Solana is well-known for its environmental footprint that is much smaller than other blockchains. Solana is definitely a valid blockchain for someone with such a platform and the fact that her NFT are on the platform show that she is indeed serious about her campaign.With her degree in sustainability science a blockchain like Solana was a natural decision. Kurani sees education around blockchain and cryptocrurrency and their footprints as a key issue in conversations about sustainability. There is an inherent trade-off to have a more inclusive community involved with the financial system.


Kurani sees tax and accounting rules as two areas to be addressed by new legislation. In her Coindesk interview Kurani stated “ I think clarity is something that helps everyone across the board, to help the regulators and to help the participants.” She doesn’t see cryptocurrency regulation as a partisan issue as the issue will affect everyone, and both parties are needed to address it completely.


The NFT are being used as a salvo in the debate of crypto regulation and are intended to bring new audiences to the campaign. The goal is to build a bridge between crypto and politics. There is a long way to go. NFT is the new rage as we face the oncoming introduction of the metaverse and Web3 and although the United States has a very weird relationship with crypto there is no denying that the future is at hand and politicians would be wise to find a way to work with it.

Solanews is a Solana-focused crypto news channel. We report on Solana-based crypto initiatives and we are apolitical, this is not an official endorsement of a political candidate.”

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