So, Nobody Really Likes Biden’s Latest Crypto Tax Idea

Biden’s Crypto Tax Gets Blasted


  • The American Institute for Economic Research criticizes President Biden’s proposed tax on crypto miners and gives a failing grade to the Council of Economic Advisors.
  • They argue that the proposed tax does not incentivize reduced electricity usage but rather encourages a shift to untaxed activities.
  • The report challenges the CEA’s claim that bitcoin mining drives up electricity prices and suggests that the environmental cost lies in electricity generation, not mining.

President Biden’s proposed tax on crypto miners has drawn criticism from the American Institute for Economic Research, a conservative think tank. In response to the proposal put forth by the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA), the institute awarded a failing grade to the CEA, expressing dissatisfaction with the initiative. The proposed tax, known as the Digital Asset Mining Energy (DAME) tax, seeks to impose a federal charge on the costs associated with crypto mining, particularly focused on bitcoin and proof-of-work blockchains.

Challenging the Proposed Incentive Structure:

The American Institute for Economic Research takes issue with the incentive structure outlined in the administration’s proposal. They argue that taxing a specific electricity-using activity does not effectively incentivize reduced electricity usage. Instead, it may lead to a shift from the taxed activity to other untaxed activities, undermining the intended goals of the tax. The report questions the effectiveness of such a tax in achieving the desired environmental and energy efficiency outcomes.

Debunking Claims on Electricity Prices and Environmental Impact:

Another point of contention raised by the institute is the claim made by the CEA that bitcoin miners drive up electricity prices for consumers. The report challenges this argument, asserting that the environmental cost lies primarily in electricity generation, not in the act of bitcoin mining itself. The institute suggests that if electricity generation imposes costs on third parties, a tax should be placed on electricity generation rather than targeting mining activities. This reevaluation of the environmental impact shifts the focus to the broader energy sector rather than singling out the crypto industry.

Alternative Approaches to Addressing Environmental Impact:

The report highlights potential measures that bitcoin miners can take to combat climate change. One example is the utilization of leftover electricity units from power grids, particularly electricity generated from natural gas. By purchasing and using stranded natural gas to power bitcoin miners, harmful methane emissions can be limited, contributing to climate change mitigation. This approach demonstrates how the crypto industry can play a role in addressing environmental concerns through innovative solutions.

Divergent Perspectives and Responses:

While the American Institute for Economic Research criticizes President Biden’s proposed crypto tax, highlighting potential flaws in the incentive structure and questioning the environmental impact arguments, other stakeholders hold contrasting views. Greenpeace, a left-leaning environmental organization, sees the DAME tax as a step in the right direction toward addressing climate change, suggesting that taxation alone cannot solve the complex issue.

The response from the crypto industry to the proposed tax has been mixed. Some argue that a tax as high as 30% on mining costs could have severe consequences, potentially leading to the closure of US-based bitcoin mining operations. Concerns are raised about the impact on the industry’s competitiveness and innovation, as well as the potential relocation of mining activities to regions with more favorable tax environments.

The Future of Crypto Taxation and Environmental Responsibility:

As the debate surrounding President Biden’s proposed crypto tax continues, it raises broader questions about the intersection of taxation, environmental impact, and technological innovation. Finding the right balance between fostering innovation and addressing environmental concerns is a complex task that requires thoughtful policy-making.

Moving forward, it is crucial for policymakers to engage in dialogue with industry experts, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders to develop comprehensive and effective strategies. This includes exploring alternative approaches to taxation that incentivize sustainable practices while supporting the growth of the crypto industry.

Furthermore, collaboration between the public and private sectors can play a vital role in promoting responsible environmental practices within the crypto mining sector. By leveraging technology, such as the utilization of stranded natural gas and the development of renewable energy solutions, the industry can reduce its carbon footprint and contribute positively to climate change mitigation efforts.

The American Institute for Economic Research’s criticism of President Biden’s proposed crypto tax sheds light on the divergent perspectives regarding its effectiveness and potential consequences. While the tax aims to address environmental concerns and incentivize reduced electricity usage, concerns are raised about its impact on the industry and the overall effectiveness of the proposed incentive structure. As the discussion continues, it is crucial to find a balanced approach that fosters innovation, supports environmental sustainability, and ensures the long-term viability of the crypto industry.

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