Sam Bankman-Fried still receiving scrutiny

It turns out politically SBF was playing both sides

Sam Bankman-Fried, former CEO of FTX, is a self-proclaimed effective altruist and major donor to the campaign of now-President Joe Biden.

• In an interview with Tiffany Fong published Tuesday, Bankman-Fried revealed that he actually donates to both political parties, but kept his Republican donations hidden (or “dark”) so as not to receive public scrutiny.

• The U.S. House Financial Services Committee has called for Bankman-Fried to testify in Washington on December 13, 2020 regarding his former company’s collapse.

“Effective altruism my ….”

It has come to light that Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX and self-proclaimed effective altruist, has been making donations to the campaign of now-President Joe Biden while also donating to the campaign of Donald Trump.

The U.S. House Financial Services Committee has called for Bankman-Fried to testify in Washington on December 13, 2020 regarding his former company’s collapse.

In an interview with Tiffany Fong published Tuesday, Bankman-Fried revealed that he actually donates to both political parties, but kept his Republican donations hidden (or “dark”) so as not to receive public scrutiny. He said that he believes in “less government intervention and more personal responsibility,” which is why he generally leans Republican. However, he also believes in some key Democratic ideals, such as equal opportunity and social justice. As a result, he feels that it’s important to support both parties.

By keeping his Republican donations dark, he hopes to avoid being pigeonholed as a one-party supporter. In addition, he feels that this allows him to better support candidates from both parties who align with his beliefs. Ultimately, Bankman-Fried believes that this approach helps to create a more well-rounded and effective political system.

When asked why he chose to keep his Republican donations a secret, Bankman-Fried said that he didn’t want to receive any public scrutiny. He claimed that if his donations to Trump had been made public, it would have been “blown out of proportion” and used as ammunition against him by those who disagreed with his political views.

Never meet your heroes

Sam Bankman-Fried is no stranger to controversy Recently,he stepped down as CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX after it was revealed that the company was run as Sam and friend’s personal piggy bank. He is also facing scrutiny from the U.S. House Financial Services Committee for his role in the collapse of FTX and the FTT token.

Clearly, Sam Bankman-Fried is a controversial figure. From making illegal loans to hiding political donations, he has consistently made headlines for all the wrong reasons. It remains to be seen whether or not he will face any legal repercussions for his actions, but one thing is certain: The public scrutiny surrounding him is warranted and deserved.

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