Revolut Faces Banking License Setback, Crypto Offerings Unaffected


  • Revolut faces a significant setback as the Bank of England is likely to reject its application for a banking license due to concerns about internal IT systems, balance sheet issues and qualified audit opinions on overdue accounts.
  • The denial of the banking license will mainly affect Revolut’s ability to offer mortgages and loans in the UK, while its crypto services are expected to remain unaffected.
  • Despite the setback, Revolut remains committed to its cryptocurrency offerings and sees great potential in the cryptocurrency market, continues to expand its services and introduce staking rewards for customers. Addressing concerns raised about internal systems and financial transparency will be crucial to the future of the company. success

Significant Setback

Revolut, Britain’s most valuable fintech company, is facing a significant setback as the Bank of England reportedly prepares to reject its application for a banking license. The decision follows a review of Revolut’s internal IT systems, which were found to be insufficient in assuring revenue streams from various areas of its business, including crypto trading. While the denial of a banking license will impact Revolut’s ability to offer mortgages and loans to UK customers, its crypto services are expected to remain unaffected.

License Application Rejection and Concerns

After a two-year campaign, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), responsible for licensing, has informed the UK government of its intention to deny Revolut’s banking license application. The decision is based on concerns over Revolut’s internal IT systems, its balance sheet, and a qualified audit opinion on overdue accounts. The PRA has instructed Revolut to produce a set of audited accounts and simplify its share structure before the license can be granted. Discussions are currently underway to salvage the license application.

Impact on Crypto Offerings

Despite the potential rejection of its banking license, Revolut’s crypto services are expected to remain unaffected. The denial will primarily impact Revolut’s ability to offer mortgages and loans to customers in the UK. Revolut has been doubling down on its crypto offerings, including introducing staking rewards for customers across the UK and Europe. Since 2017, Revolut has allowed users to acquire popular cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ether, and litecoin.

Challenges with Internal Systems and Revenues

In March, the accounting firm BDO stated that it was unable to fully verify £477 million ($591 million) of Revolut’s revenues for 2021 due to deficiencies in its internal IT systems. This amount represents over two-thirds of Revolut’s total revenues for the year. The review highlighted the need for Revolut to address these internal system deficiencies to ensure transparency and accuracy in its revenue streams.

Revolut’s Commitment to Crypto

Despite the challenges with its license application and internal systems, Revolut remains committed to its crypto offerings. The company sees great potential in the crypto market and has continued to expand its services, including introducing staking rewards for customers. Revolut’s focus on cryptocurrencies aligns with the growing interest and adoption of digital assets by individuals and investors globally.

Small Setback

While Revolut faces a setback with its banking license application, its crypto offerings are expected to continue unaffected. The denial of the license primarily impacts Revolut’s ability to offer mortgages and loans in the UK. Revolut’s commitment to the crypto market remains strong, and it will continue to provide crypto services to its customers. The company will need to address the concerns raised regarding its internal systems and financial transparency to strengthen its position and regain regulatory trust. Despite the challenges, Revolut’s focus on cryptocurrencies reflects its belief in the long-term potential of digital assets and the evolving financial landscape.

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