Nanjing University Takes Steps Into The Metaverse

Learn web3 in the far east

It would appear that Nanjing University is not letting the metaverse come to pass without getting its students ready. The university has reportedly launched one of, what can be assumed, many new majors that deal with web3 and the metaverse as a whole. The university has stated that its new push is directed to build upon the metaverse and impart new web3 related courses  that will aid students in becoming ready to fulfill the needs of future companies working on the metaverse. 

Nanjing Medical University

Nanjing University wants to build web3 curriculum

Nanjing University is not the first college to accept that web3 and the metaverse are the future as many educational institutions around the world  are including the metaverse as a part of their courses and syllabus. The University in eastern China will launch of of the first metaverses majors of the country and push towards preparing students for building the metaverse for the country.

One of its main departments ,Information Engineering, will be renamed to “Metaverse Engineering Department” with a more focused objective of integrating more courses that have a focus on the  metaverse , web3, NFTs, VR, and AR, the department made a statement that this course may very well be the first one of a college to actually use the word “metaverse” in China.

Focused on the future

The Dean of the renamed department, Pan Zhigeng stated that the integration of the institution with metaverse related curriculum and enterprises  will aid in identifying the needs of the groups associated with web3 and the metaverse and train more talent to fill the necessary job roles.

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Zhigeng also said that students would be more qualified to serve if they focused on different specialized areas such as smart healthcare, smart education, and digital tourism, basically web3 teachers, web3 doctors, and web3 tour guides. To aid in advancing the university in these areas there are plans to create the metaverse research institute, the smart meteorological research institute, and the smart medical research institute.

Higher Metaverse Learning

The metaverse is a high-value topic currently and many universities are using the topic to better relations and integration of their students. The HK University of Science and Technology announced an online metaverse campus title Metahkust allowing students to attend classes digitally together with students that were physically in class in an attempt to create something better than the 2D Zoom meetings. The University of Tokyo has also announced offering metaverse engineering courses later this year. 

Meta, formerly Facebook, has announced its participation in the creation of 10 online metaverse campuses in a partnership with Victoryxr as they build  the Immersive Learning project which is a $150 million initiative seeking to introduce the metaverse to more educational environments. 

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