
A new web3 Adventure awaits

Gaming has been one of the major focuses of web3, the metaverse, and blockchain gaming.NFTs provide the ability to change the way games are maketing, sold, and played. The web3 and metaverse offer valuable opportunities for those that want to enhance or help in the evolution of gaming as we know it.

We at Solanews have reported on Fractals before in multiple articles and today we would like to report on another project that is soon to sweep the blockchain gaming scene. The project in mind is Fractalians a new play to earn RPG coming to the Solana blockchain.




Touted as one of the first cooperative multiplayer games directly incorporating faction-based NFTs, Fractalians is ready to insert new life into the blockchain gaming scene. The game touts action-packed role playing excitement featuring a battle against a monster invasion. There are certain elements of the game that can be reminiscent of other multiplayer online games such as Destiny 2, Diablo, World of Warcraft, and League of Legends.

The beauty of the project is the fact that the creators are gamers themselves. The leader Jasem Dashti of the project has been a gamer since childhood with his favorite character being Eddy Gordo from Tekken fame. Playing on multiple consoles Dashti has been quoted as remembering the sacrifices his mother made for him to be able to enjoy console life like his friends. His love for gaming has spread and birthed his imagination for blockchain gaming.

During his time in NFT and learning on the blockchain, Dashti was introduced to Justin Kan and his fractals project. The project of Fractalians was then introduced to the masses during the Fractals F100 hackathon and won the community vote. Fractalians can make use of the Fractals system that allows NFT holders to sell their NFT or use their NFT to be rented out for gameplay, the platform creates a new avenue for all users to gain revenue in gaming on web3.

While playing the game, the players will do things like complete missions, tasks, and raids.The player will power up your main fractal NFT that you own inside your own Phantom wallet. It is important to note the name does not imply a direct collaboration with Fractals instead the name is inspired by the project and the fact that you can indeed use the Faction NFTs on the Fractal platform to play the game. The utility provided by Fractal allows for better utility within the game and for holders of NFTs on the Fractal marketplace.


The idea itself is planned to be cross-chain which has also been introduced by collections such as Loot. In Loot each NFT is made up of a unique list of separate items that can be interpreted any way that game developers see fit. A lot of these NFTs can be resold for tens of thousands of dollars thus providing a wall for those that may not have the funds but really want to play.

There are those that lament on the number of ways Loot NFTs can be interpreted and thus the usefulness of the NFT may be diminished, this is being rectified with the team at Fractals and their plan for the use of NFTs. The team at Fractalians is laser-focused on using the NFTs that can be implemented cross-chain to create a gaming experience that places the focus on cooperative gameplay and community.


Community Gameplay


Many games focus on community to build a proper following and devotion. Games such as World of Warcraft, Diablo, League of Legends, and Destiny have all created a community of players built on brotherhood and friendship. Any player of these type of MMORPG or multiplayer games can attest to the adage “Gamers that play together stay together”. Players that play with a shared goal in mind create a tighter bond whenever they complete that goal.

Usually games that are live-service depend on missions, dungeons, raids and special events, these are the type of gameplay elements that will be offered in the Fractalians universe as well. The gameplay will be play-to-earn and thus provide players and NFT owners alike a way to create income. For the long-term the development team hopes for playeres to develop new skills, upgrade the avatar, have a dynamic combat system, create clans, and cmplete multiple tasks.The team is also very feverishly working on their own NFTs that will also be used in the game as well


The team has their own Fractalian ideas


Online gameplay is best when used in conjunction with real-live voice chat and Fractalians has plans for that as well. With most communities focused on Discord for their communications the team at Fractalians has decided on a project that incorporates voice communication natively, this creates a great sense of closeness and community for the players.



The idea of partnership is a very important dynamic to the project and the team has high hopes for partnering with other NFT projects. At the time of this writing the plan is to power up your Fractalians with collabs of NFT projects that have four factions. By connecting your NFT you should be able to use the character you choose from any collection and play within the gaming universe created by the team.


Many ways to play


In addition to playing in dungeons, raids and more PVE content players will also be able to participate in PVP or player vs player game modes. A battle arena mode that pits your Degen Ape Vs Solana Monkey Business would definitely put to rest which ape is better. There is a Fractalians Cafe Corner where players can just sit back and relax, get to know each other, and discuss strategy or news. A pet companion mode is also ready for use as you take care of a pet, build it up, and have it join you on adventures.

There are many new projects on the blockchain with many new ideas and ways to play. The team at Fractalians is adamant about creating a game that focuses on gameplay and community building as well as providing a play-to-earn mechanic that is beneficial for all involved. Fractals and Fractalians are great examples of how Solana is still providing new ways for growth on web3 and the metaverse.

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