Doodles No Longer An NFT Project But Much Much More

Doodles is Dead, Long Live Doodles!

Doodles: Going Mainstream With Web3 IP

Doodles is a Web3 company that began as a 10,000 profile picture collection of vibrant cartoon portraits. It is now looking at moving beyond the market hype of the past, shifting its focus to building its intellectual property, or IP, outward and connecting the tightly-knit NFT community to the mainstream. In this article, we’ll explore Doodles’ journey, its new mindset, and its approach to IP creation.

The Shift in Focus When the project began, Doodles stood out because of the new strategies it implemented, like gating Discord channels for token holders and structuring itself as a DAO, relatively novel concepts at the time. It was at an in-person Doodles event at the South by Southwest conference in 2022 that people “got it.”

Doodles NFT

Doodles CEO, Julian Holguin, suggests that the dynamic and timeless art, created by artist Burnt Toast aka Scott Martin, is “the thing that might be the tip of the spear” in delivering the new approach. To build any IP house, you need a hit first. Doodles is aiming to create a world-class IP house that is made possible through the implementation of blockchain community and NFT technology.

The Doodles IP to Pixar’s Toy Story

Holguin compares the Doodles’ IP to the famed computer animation studio Pixar. The company was founded on the principle of creating technology that would ultimately change formats for the consumer. They were developing computer-animated filmmaking technology for years before Toy Story came out. The technology was brought to the world, Holguin explains, through characters that people love.

“The tech made Toy Story possible, but Toy Story made the adoption of the tech possible, and that, I think, is the closest parallel to what we’re building right now. Doodles is going to be our Toy Story.”

Partnering Up Holguin looks toward the possibility of building partnerships that “might need help coming into Web3.” While Doodles can act as a Web3 consultant for business partners, Holguin says, “Our IP can be developed through the things that they know how to do well” — a symbiotic relationship.

The goal is to reach new audiences with products “outside the NFT ecosystem that the NFTs will actually be connected to.” The Doodles community can connect by creating lore that “ties back to product experiences,” Holguin says. “That’s such an incredible opportunity that has never existed before. You can test story and IP in completely new ways through NFTs.”

Connecting Identity to Digital Assets

Holguin explains that people already care about digital goods and that trend is only progressing. “You talk to any 13-year-old or a parent of an eight-year-old and their kids are buying as much as they can on Roblox.”

The blockchain gives you an opportunity to seamlessly bring experiences from place to place to place and potentially connect into your everyday life. This innovation fosters a whole new concept, he says, connecting the real world and identity with digital assets, “because you can use them in many places, being built alongside a fictional world of characters that you love, IP that you love, and stories that you love.”

“That hasn’t really existed before.”

Holguin explains that this is mindset-shifting technology because if he can take an NFT that he owns, he can use that as a character in a gaming environment. He can use that to go into a cafe and get a secret menu. He can use that to get access to a VIP area of a music tour. He can use that to get VIP treatment at Doodles events.

Doodles Goes Beyond Being an NFT Project According to Jordan Castro, aka Poopie, Doodles’ co-founder,

According to Jordan Castro, aka Poopie, Doodles’ co-founder, the project is “growing into a company with the goal of becoming a leading media franchise.” In a statement posted on Discord, Castro shared that the brand is moving away from being an “NFT project” and focusing on the long-term vision of becoming a top-tier media brand.

“We’re trying to go from a startup to a leading media franchise,” Castro wrote. He also pledged to focus energy on Doodles’ “most loyal collectors,” stating that the company is “not going to spend any resources appeasing those with financial motivations.”

While the announcement received mixed reactions from holders who asked for clearer communications, others supported the measure as a way for the brand to evolve and innovate. Castro later posted a response to the criticism on Twitter, affirming his commitment to blockchain technology and pledging to “continue to use NFT tech as the connective tissue between everything we do.”

Doodles, like other NFT collections, has seen its floor price steadily decline in recent months. The rise of trader-focused marketplaces like Blur suggests that NFT consumers have shifted their focus to trading NFTs for profit rather than collecting NFTs for their artistic value. Despite this, Doodles’ co-founder Holguin believes that the brand has the potential to reach new audiences with products “outside the NFT ecosystem that the NFTs will actually be connected to.”

Holguin suggests that Doodles’ dynamic and timeless art, created by artist Burnt Toast aka Scott Martin, is “the thing that might be the tip of the spear” in delivering the new approach. He compares the Doodles IP to famed computer animation studio Pixar, stating that the company was founded on the principle of creating technology that would ultimately change formats for the consumer.

“They were developing computer-animated filmmaking technology for years before Toy Story came out, but the technology was brought to the world through characters that people love,” Holguin explains. “Doodles is going to be our Toy Story.”

As Doodles continues to expand beyond the NFT market, the brand aims to partner with global brands and “create really cool things with them, and then give our community access that the general public does not have,” Holguin says. The goal is to build a world-class IP house that is made possible through the implementation of blockchain community and NFT technology.

Overall, Doodles is on a mission to bring new technology to the world through characters that people love. With a focus on building its intellectual property and connecting the tightly-knit NFT community to the mainstream, the Web3 company is poised to make a significant impact in the world of media and beyond.


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