Can you “Catch Em All” In The Metaverse?

Pokemon may be headed to the metaverse


  • The Pokemon Company has opened a job position that requires experience and knowledge of blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse, causing fans to speculate that the franchise might be moving towards the metaverse.
  • The company is seeking a Corporate Development Principal, responsible for the growth of the Pokemon Company, including new partnerships and developments for the brand. However, the role also requires deep knowledge and understanding of Web3, blockchain technologies, and the metaverse, as well as connections to investors and entrepreneurs in these industries.
  • Nintendo fans are worried that the company might be planning to release NFTs or prepare a metaverse based on the Pokemon franchise.

Things may get more web3 for Pokemon

The Pokemon Company, responsible for the development of the Pokemon brand, has opened a job position that requires experience and knowledge of blockchain, Web3, and the metaverse, fueling speculation that the franchise might be making moves towards the metaverse. The Corporate Development Principal role involves creating strategies and partnerships to grow the company, including developing new ideas and ventures for the brand. However, the position also requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of Web3, blockchain technologies, and the metaverse, as well as connections to investors and entrepreneurs in these industries. This suggests that the Pokemon Company might be looking to expand into these areas.

Fans of the Pokemon franchise are excited about the possibility of experiencing their favorite characters and gameplay in the metaverse. Some players have already experienced virtual reality-enhanced Pokemon games like Pokemon Go, developed by Niantic, which have garnered a lot of attention and praise. However, some Nintendo fans are worried about the possible release of NFTs or the development of a metaverse based on the Pokemon franchise. They fear that it could harm the brand’s reputation and interest among long-time players.

Nintendo has been cautious when it comes to dealing with NFTs and the metaverse, despite other game developers like Square Enix, Bandai Namco, and Sega already including them as part of their business plans. In February 2022, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa stated that the company would have to offer new and fresh experiences to experiment with the metaverse. They want to find a way to convey a “Nintendo approach” that players can readily understand.

Imagine catching this little guy in a metaverse world 

Gamers see the metaverse and Web3 technology as a way to enhance their gaming experiences. The metaverse offers players the ability to interact with virtual worlds, while Web3 technology enables ownership of in-game assets and the ability to trade them. Gamers are excited about the possibility of experiencing their favorite games and franchises in a virtual world that offers new and innovative gameplay mechanics. However, they also want to ensure that the technology is used ethically and fairly, without harming the environment or exploiting players. In the end, the Pokemon Company’s move towards the metaverse could bring a lot of excitement and innovation to the franchise, but it will have to be done with care and consideration for the players and the environment.


How does web3 intend on changing things such as gaming and pokemon?

Web3 technology has the potential to change the gaming industry and the Pokemon franchise in several ways. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ownership and control of in-game assets: One of the key features of Web3 technology is the ability to own and control digital assets like NFTs. This means that gamers can own and trade unique in-game assets like rare Pokemon cards or special items. In the past, gamers had to rely on centralized game developers and marketplaces to buy and sell in-game assets. With Web3, gamers can have more control and autonomy over their digital assets, leading to a more decentralized gaming experience.

  2. Decentralized game development: Web3 technology also enables decentralized game development, where games can be created and maintained by a community of developers and players. This can lead to more innovative and diverse game experiences that are not limited by the interests of a single game development company. For example, fans of the Pokemon franchise could create their own metaverse-based Pokemon game that offers new and exciting gameplay mechanics.

  3. Interoperability between games: Web3 technology also allows for interoperability between different games and platforms. This means that gamers can use their digital assets across different games, leading to a more connected and seamless gaming experience. For example, a gamer could use their rare Pokemon card in a Pokemon metaverse game, but also use it in a different game that accepts NFTs as payment.

Overall, Web3 technology has the potential to change the way gamers interact with games and digital assets. It can lead to a more decentralized and connected gaming experience, where gamers have more control over their assets and the games they play. For the Pokemon franchise specifically, Web3 technology could offer new and innovative ways for fans to engage with the brand, such as creating their own metaverse-based Pokemon games or owning rare and unique in-game assets.

(Image may be subject to copyright)  Nintendo, Pokemon Company’s Pokemon Go Has Amassed Over $6 Billion in sales

Why would gamers be against some of those changes?

While Web3 technology has the potential to bring many positive changes to gaming and the Pokemon franchise, some gamers may be against certain changes for a few reasons:

  1. Complexity: Web3 technology can be complex and difficult to understand for some gamers. The concept of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs may be foreign to some players, leading to confusion and frustration. Gamers may be resistant to changes that they don’t fully understand or feel comfortable with.

  2. Inequality: Web3 technology can also lead to inequality between players who own rare and valuable in-game assets and those who don’t. Players who can afford to purchase rare assets may have an advantage over those who can’t, leading to an unfair playing field. This could lead to resentment and frustration among players who feel that the game is rigged against them.

  3. Exploitation: Finally, some gamers may be against changes that they perceive as exploitative or harmful. For example, some NFT marketplaces have been criticized for their high transaction fees and environmental impact. Gamers who are concerned about issues like environmental sustainability may be hesitant to embrace Web3 technology if they believe that it contributes to these problems.

In general, gamers may be resistant to changes that they perceive as complex, unfair, or harmful. To address these concerns, game developers and Web3 companies will need to ensure that the technology is easy to use and understand, that in-game assets are distributed fairly, and that environmental concerns are taken into account. By doing so, they can help to ensure that Web3 technology is embraced by gamers and used to create more innovative and engaging gaming experiences.

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