Binance to Launch “Industry Recovery Fund”

Fund set to save those ailing from the FTX debacle


•In the wake of the collapse of FTX, Binance has announced the formation of an “industry recovery fund” aimed at helping salvage crypto projects facing liquidity issues.

• The fund is intended to reduce further cascading negative effects of FTX and help strong projects who are in a liquidity crisis.

• More details about the initiative will be announced soon by Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, while urging qualifying projects to contact Binance Labs.

Binance wants to aid

In the wake of the FTX collapse, Binance has announced the formation of an industry recovery fund. The fund is intended to help salvage crypto projects facing liquidity issues and reduce further cascading negative effects. More details about the initiative will be announced soon, but in the meantime, qualifying projects are urged to contact Binance Labs for more information.

The new Stabilization Fund is a way for Binance to help strong projects who are facing a liquidity crisis. The fund is intended to reduce further cascading negative effects of FTX and help these projects stay afloat. The fund will be used to buy up tokens of strong projects who are in a liquidity crisis, in order to provide them with the resources they need to keep going. This will help to keep the project alive and prevent it from going under, as well as protecting Binance investment. In addition, the fund will also be used to buy up tokens of weak projects who are at risk of being delisted, in order to prevent them from being dumped on the market and causing prices to crash. This will help to stabilize the market and protect investors.

The FTX Collapse

FTX was one of the biggest exchanges in the world, and its collapse has had a ripple effect throughout the industry. Many projects that relied on FTX for liquidity are now struggling to survive. The Binance industry recovery fund could help prevent further damage and save some of these projects from going under.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao released a statement announcing the formation of the fund. In it, he said that more details would be announced soon but urged qualifying projects to contact Binance Labs in the meantime.Several prominent crypto personalities, including Tron founder Justin Sun and BankToTheFuture CEO Simon Dixon, have expressed their willingness to join the initiative and help as well.

The Importance of the Fund

The news comes at a crucial time for the crypto industry. The collapse of FTX has left many projects struggling to stay afloat. The Binance industry recovery fund could help prevent further damage and save some of these projects from going under.

With many companies and exchanges feeling the heat of the recent drama that has unfolded and FTX dealing with a bankruptcy there are indeed those that are going to be almost irreparably damaged. Binance CEO CZ has made efforts to save those that are dealing with the recent events and also make way to profit for his company as well.

Welcome Announcement

The announcement of the Binance industry recovery fund is welcome news for those in the crypto community who have been affected by the FTX collapse. The fund has the potential to prevent further damage and help salvage many struggling projects. Qualifying projects are urged to contact Binance Labs for more information about how they can receive assistance from the fund.

This news comes as the crypto industry is facing probably one of its darkest moments amidst a bear market that seems to be relentless and going for the soul of the industry. As many watch crypto continue to falter, the question remains if there is even a light at the end or if this will be the end of crypto as we all know it.


There are some that say while the sentiment is good there is the question as to whether or not those that claim liquidity issues are being genuine or just taking advantage of a situation.

“You can’t backstop billions in offside liabilities without first fixing Ponzi business models. This industry fund sounds like fluff or a bad decision,” 

-Sean Penso, Managing Partner at Cortelyou Capital.

Binance, FTX, Tron,  Industry Recovery Fund

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