
Recently during my research into many of the new Solana-based NFT projects I came across a rather amazing find. A lot of the projects on Solana tout some form of gaming utility, DAO utility, or other ideas to entice purchase but this one project has a rather altruistic and holistic approach to their drop. The project in question is one called Afterlyfe which focuses on all aspects of spirituality, health, and well-being.


A very clever renaming of NFT


With a focus on spiritual, physical, mental, and social health the project plans to utilize edutainment, music, and the metaverse to aid society in becoming healthier, happier, and more prosperous, as real wealth comes with great health. I was excited to learn more about this project and was able to contact the creator — Tom Escott a.k.a The Lynx in the project -who was very helpful in aiding me in my journey to learn more about Afterlyfe and the plans for the future. I hope you can join me in learning more about this wonderful project and after reading this perhaps you too may find it to be a project worth looking into.

Solanews: Why did you create Afterlyfe?

TomI was born into a spiritual family, taught to meditate from an early age, and raised with teachings related to developing higher states of consciousness. I have been through quite a few health challenges in my life and studied the work of some of the best minds in the alternative/functional/integrative health field.

I worked in wellness for several years with a world-renowned integrative medicine (oncology) doctor. In short, health, wellness and spirituality have always been a part of life. It’s what I’m most interested in and passionate about.

Afterlyfe was initially inspired by a comical conversation about becoming an Albino Giraffe in the Afterlife with one of the co-founders. However, as I developed the concept it quickly evolved into a much deeper mission.

It was inspired by an intuitive feeling that the world needs knowledge related to staying healthy, developing spiritually to be more resilient, and also connecting with others during challenging times. The pandemic has created so much fear, division, and disconnection, which has affected us physically and mentally.

This in essence was the spark and drive to build a platform and community that would serve to connect and help people through these challenging times. I wanted a vehicle to give people tools to help them become stronger, healthier, and more at peace while also learning myself along the way.

“It was inspired by an intuitive feeling that the world really needs knowledge related to staying healthy, developing spiritually to be more resilient, and also connecting with others during challenging times.”


SN: What are the goals of Afterlyfe?

T: The goal of Afterlyfe is to build a community to empower people to grow spiritually and discover their full potential as human beings. In building that community and inviting experts and fellow members to share knowledge, we seek to help society as a whole connect with deeper aspects of themselves and reconnect with nature. The goals are therefore to make a positive impact on an individual, societal and environmental level.

SN: Why did you decide to go the health route?

T: The mind and body are intrinsically linked. To help others reduce stress, improve wellbeing and develop spiritually it’s important to also address physical health. Due to some of my own personal health challenges, growing up with Ayurveda (the oldest system of holistic healthcare), and working with some top doctors in the alternative medicine field, I have also gained a pretty deep understanding of the finer aspects of health and wellness (but still learning!). Personal research has also led me into circadian/quantum biology, epigenetics, biohacking, and much more. As a result, I had the desire to curate content and bring others to certain experts and teachers that I respect and know much more than me!

“The mind and body are intrinsically linked. In order to help others reduce stress, improve wellbeing and develop spiritually it’s important to also address physical health.”

SN: What would you say are the most important aspects of Afterlyfe?

T: The most important aspect of Afterlyfe is the community and the bigger mission of helping people change their lifestyles, reconnect with ancestral knowledge, and live more in tune with nature.

SN: What makes your NFT different from other NFT?

T: Afterlyfe is more than just an NFT project. The vision is much greater and the NFTs serve essentially as membership cards and a crowdfunding tool to build a metaverse and e-learning platform that will inspire and help people to transform their lives for the better.



SN: Are there any plans for the metaverse? What are those plans?

T: Yes, the metaverse will be an edutainment platform for spirituality, wellbeing, and the healing arts. By the healing arts, we are referring to artistic expression that has the power to help people connect and provide transformational experiences, such as music, dance, visionary art, sound healing, and more. It is in this sense that the metaverse will provide e-learning/education and also entertainment i.e. edutainment.

“Afterlyfe is more than just an NFT project. The vision is much greater…”

It is important to note however that the metaverse project will evolve based on community feedback and contribution, so although there are plans as described nothing is set in stone. We will adapt the model to stay in sync with the Afterlyfe community using the project’s initial objectives as a guiding star.

SN: A lot of other projects have just decided on art as the utility, what makes you believe that your edutainment approach is the best utility so far?

T: We feel that art alone does not necessarily provide a concrete and tangible value or benefit for the NFT owner. With Afterlyfe owning an NFT will be a key and access card to knowledge and teachings that have the potential to transform people’s lives. The music aspect and events will play an important role in community building and giving the project an additional dimension of play and fun.

SN: Have you decided on how exactly you will implement the edutainment portion of your project?

T: The edutainment aspect will be related to the knowledge and experiences we will offer our community. With Afterlyfe you can expect collaborations and content from spiritual teachers, health experts, doctors, healers, coaches, musicians, DJs, and much more. There will be classes, workshops, events, conferences, DJ sets, etc in the metaverse and also in real life. We plan not only to share with the community online but ultimately to also connect people in the real world.

SN: A lot of buyers join NFT projects with hopes of making a profit. What would you say to a potential NFT buyer asking if there is an opportunity for financial growth, or are there other rewards for being a part of the community?

T: I believe our NFTs have the potential to grow in value over time, especially as we build the brand, start to offer more value to our community and NFT holders; however, the market alone will decide so I encourage everyone to remain cautious in the NFT space in general. Holding the Afterlyfe Unity Mirror NFTs should give access to the Afterlyfe DAO when available, it should include voting rights and the ability to help shape the future of the metaverse project. However, I believe that the real value of the NFTs will be in the knowledge, connection, and exclusive experiences that Afterlyfe members will get access to.

“With Afterlyfe you can expect collaborations and content from spiritual teachers, health experts, doctors, healers, coaches, musicians, DJs, and much more.”

SN: Do you see your project making the same type of progress as the Bored Apes? Meaning do you think there can be events and real meetups?

T: Absolutely! With Afterlyfe there is perhaps more scope and opportunity for this to happen than with any other NFT project that I am aware of. Meetups, conferences, seminars, events, concerts, and perhaps even festivals will be in the pipeline for the Afterlyfe adventure.

SN: What was the inspiration for the artwork?

T: The Afterlyfe NFT Odyssey comes in two parts and was inspired by the law of polarity. In other words, that everything has an opposite, while at the same time all is ultimately contained within a unified whole.

We have the Alpha Genesis collection followed by the Omega Opus airdrop. The Alpha collection represents the positive aspects of creation and a spiritual seeker’s journey into more supportive and higher realms of consciousness. The Omega on the other hand represents the more negative aspects of creation, the shadow side of human nature, and aspects we may need to transform or overcome on the journey towards inner peace.

The journey ends with the Unity Mirror NFTs that transcend the polarities and represent the fundamental unity of creation beyond polarities. In other words, the pinnacle of spiritual evolution and human potential — unity consciousness or enlightenment/nirvana. Hence the name The Legacy of Unity — [Beyond Light and Dark].

SN: Are there any plans for future airdrops or evolution?

T: Yes, there will be a limited number of Alpha Genesis NFTs airdropped to buyers of the first few mints of the Alpha NFTs. The Omega Opus will all be airdropped to Alpha Genesis NFT holders, so lots of airdrops are available, especially for those who get in early.

SN: Are there any plans for partnerships or are there any influencers you want to cooperate with?

T: Yes, we are in discussions with several other projects and are also open to new collaborations. We are initiating talks with Solice and have plans that involve launching in the Solice metaverse.

We are also working on bringing in top people in the field of spirituality, health, and music, etc to share knowledge and cool experiences with the community. They will also become brand ambassadors for Afterlyfe. Join our Discord and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with everything we are doing!

SN: Are there any other things you would like to state to the readers of Solanews or anywhere else?

T: Yes, thanks. For more information, you are more than welcome to join our Discord channel, our Telegram, and our Twitter. We are working on building our Telegram channel, Instagram and Facebook. We will continue to be as transparent as possible and want people to rest assured this isn’t just an NFT drop but more of a stepping stone into a project that hopes to help mankind in the future.

It was indeed a pleasure speaking with Tom about Afterlyfe and after speaking to him I was more determined in my decision to follow and learn more about the project. There is indeed an early community of people who are just as excited with the project and the potential it presents.


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