Bored Ape Bundles

The NFT project has a record-breaking sale

Recently we touched on the woes of the BAYC team as of late with their native token dropping significantly and the floor of the BAYC dropping to below 100K USD. It seemed as if the giant would be taking some hits for a while. Well, happily for the community, another report issued speaks on how things may not all be gloom and doom for the community.

Yes, the floor is way below what it used to be last year but Last Tuesday also saw a record-breaking sale on an ape. The ape in question was BAYC #7537 which sold for 1.14 million or 1,024 ETH. This marks the largest amount paid for an ape in Ethereum and beats a previous record of 769 ETh. Keep in mind that this was the largest purchase made in ETH but not the largest in U.S Dollars. Ethereum’s price was significantly higher when the 769 ETH sale took place.

Bored Ape 7537

These are the traits and percentages of Bored Ape 7537:

New Punk Blue Background: a trait of 12% of Apes

Bandolier Clothes: a trait of only 2%

Eyes Closed: a trait of only 7%

Brown Fur: a trait of 14%

Police Motorcycle Helmet: very rare at 1%

Bored Mouth: a trait at 23%

With the ape not being especially rare many questioned why the NFT was able to garner such a high price. The previous record-holding ape was rarer with a trait titled “trippy fur” which was on only .77% of the apes. The ape that this article is about is nowhere near as rare. Many are calling this an uninformed purchase, meaning it’s a purchase made without any research done just to be able to join the space, some speculate it may be the machinations of a company Btok pulling strings and trying a massive marketing stunt saying that the price coincided with their name Btok1024. That being said one should always be careful about connecting their wallets to any site as crypto scams are plentiful at this time.

Currently, the floor of BAYC is still pretty low and continuing to fall, the price of the floor today has seen another drop to $89.8 K further leaving 100K behind and having some investors wary of the extent of the decline.